Editorial, IFSR Newsletter 1981 No. 1 Autumn

IFSR Newsletter, 1981, No. 1, Autumn
The IFSR wish to use this first official publication of the Federation to record their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Firnberg, the Federal Minister for Science and Research for her help in arranging the financial support and office accommodation for the Federation on behalf of the Austrian Government. Thanks are also due to the officials concerned in this matter, especially to Herr Rat Dr. Rozsenich, who took a leading role.
This is the first Newsletter to appear after the IFSR Annual Meeting of The Board of the IFSR. Some decisions taken there are detailed in our “Points” feature on page 3. Appearing three times a year, brevity of reporting will be our aim to present multum in parvo about activities, projects, programs and events organized by IFSR and its member societies as well as other items of interest to Systems and Cybernetic people.
Suggestions and contributions will be welcome and acknowledged to contributors.

| Category: IFSR NEWS