Dear Readers!
In this Newsletter we report on the Board Meeting of the IFSR, and the 1996 Fuschl Conversation. Each of these events has shown how alive the IFSR is and has generated new ideas and initiatives. We also had a chance to present the IFSR to the participants of the EMCSR-Congress in Vienna, giving us more publicity.
Due to some problems concerning staffing I could not keep the WWW-page of the IFSR up-to-date, but this will soon be amended. To avoid further problems I will from now on put the IFSR-Newsletter on our FTP-server which allows it to be downloaded. It is a WORD 6.0- document. Keeping the IFSR-Newsletter as a WWW-page caused too much effort.
I still hope that this service is useful to you and remain
yours sincerely
Gerhard Chroust
Systemtechnik und Automation
Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
Table of Contents
IFSR President Bela H. Banathy, IFSR Newsletter 1996 Vol. 15 No. 2 June
The April Meetings of the IFSR, Bela H. Banathy…1 - Old Memories: A Postscript To Kenneth Boulding, Ernst von Glaserfeld…2
IFSR Newsletter 1986 Vol. 15 No. 2 June, Gordon Pask with F. Pichler
In Memorandum: Gordon Pask (1928-1996), Ranulph Glanville…3 - Conference Reports: The 1996 Fuschl Conversation April 15-19, 1996 …4
- Conference Announcements …5
- News from the Book Market …6
- News from the IFSR …7
- IFSR’s Officers Reelected! …7
- What’s New in “Systems Research”? …7
- Calendar of Events …8