IFSR Newsletter 2005 Vol. 23 No. 1 December

Dear Readers!
It has been a year of many events for the IFSR. At the Board Meeting in 2004 we accepted an offer from the International Society of Knowledge and Systems Science, one of our members, to hold an IFSR-Congress in Japan. It was for the first time that IFSR itself took the lead in organising a congress of this kind. The Congress, called IFSR 2005, was held in Kobe, Japan, and was extraordinarily successful. We are including information and photos of this event.
Preparations for the IFSR 2005 Congress made us almost overlook the 25th anniversary of the founding of the IFSR. The celebration will take place at the EMCSR 2006 in Vienna, on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, with a whole day devoted to the past, present and future of IFSR. In the evening we will traditionally hold the IFSR’s Board Meeting.
Please read also about our plans to make some essential changes as to the manner in which we hold our Fuschl Conversations. The main purpose is to involve the Fuschl Conversations in the strategic planning of the IFSR, see the respective section for more details.
We are also reporting on two IFSR projects: “ESCO – The International Encyclopaedia of Systems and Cybernetics” led by Günther Ossimitz and the analysis of L. v. Bertalanffy’s legacy, led by Wolfgang Hofkirchner. Additionally you will find some update on the IFSR Book Series and on the Journal Systems Research and Behavioural Science.
It remains for me as your editor is to wish you
A Merry Christmas and a Successful, Healthy New Year!
I personally hope that the impulses from IFSR2005 will lead the IFSR into a much more active and useful role in the systems sciences!
Yours sincerely
Gerhard Chroust
Table of Contents

IFSR Newsletter 2005 Vol. 23 No. 1 December