Board Meeting of the IFSR 2014

Board Meeting of the IFSR
SATURDAY, April 26, 2014, 10:30 -13:00
University Vienna building “W29” , 2nd Floor, Room 7
1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 29
For Representatives of the Member Societies of the IFSR ONLY!
1       Opening
1.1     Attendance
1.2     Amendments to / Approval of Agenda
1.3     Minutes of previous meeting (April 13, 2012)
2       Report from the President
3       Report from the Secretary General – Membership
3.1     Membership status – Overview and New members
3.2     Election of Fellows
3.3     Inactive member, non-paying members
3.4     Potential new member
3.5     Electronic Voting
3.6     Membership fee 2015 and 2016
4       The International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences
5       IFSR-Events
5.1     IFSR-Reflective Meeting 2012
5.2     The IFSR Conversation Linz 2012
5.3     EMCSR 2014 – IFSR presentation and Ross Ashby Memorial Lecture
5.4     IFSR Reflective Meeting 2014
5.5     IFSR Conversation 2014 (Linz)
5.6     IFSR Conversation 2016
5.7     Conversation Committee
6       IFSR Publications
6.1     Journal of Systems Research and Behavioral Science
6.2     IFSR Newsletter
6.3     IFSR Book Series
7       IFSR Web Site
8       IFSR Involvement in Events
8.1     ISSS 2013, July 14 – 19, 2013
8.2     WCA Conference Nov. 18-19, 2012, Vienna
8.3     GLOGIFT 2012, July 30 – Aug. 1, Vienna
8.4     EMCSR 2014, April 22-25, 2014, Vienna
8.5     Other events
9       IFSR Projects
10      Financial Status and Outlook
10.1    Report from the Secretary General
10.2    Report from the Auditors
10.3    Release of Obligation of the old Executive Committee
11      Election of the new Executive Committee
11.1    Decision on Number of Vice Presidents
11.2    Proposals and presentation of the new Executive Committee
11.3    Formal Election of the new EC
11.4    Election of Auditors
12      Changes of Constitution
13      Further Activities of the IFSR (Events)
14      Other Business
15      Closing <elected president>
15.1    Dates of next Meetings
o       April 22 – 25, 2014: EMCSR 2014 (European Meeting onf Cybernetics and Systems   Research):
o       April 26, 2014, 14:30 – 17:30 : IFSR Reflective Meeting : guests are welcome!
o       April 26, 19:00  Meet the IFSR!  Informal Meeting with officers of the IFSR – guests welcome!
o       April 27 – May 2, 2014: IFSR Conversation in St. Magdalena, Linz (by invitation only, booked out)

| Category: EVENT