We are starting to plan for the 19th IFSR Conversation in Linz, Austria, which will be held at the Seminarhotel, St. Magdalena, Linz, Austria (www.bz-magdalena.at, located approx. 200 km west of Vienna), from Sunday, April 8 through Friday, April 13, 2018.
In the Conversation a small group of scientists (max. 35 persons, organized in 5 teams) meets for several days to discuss in a self-guided way a topic of scientific and social importance. No papers are presented; the participants discuss face-to-face their topic.
The final selection of participants is only by invitation of the IFSR, according to the prospective participant’s ability to contribute. Participants are expected to attend the whole Conversation.
The fee for each participant is 670 Euros, covering conference, food and lodging for 6 days.