IFSR 1998 Newsletter Vol. 17 No. 3/4 December

IFSR President Yong Pil Rhee, IFSR Newsletter 1998 Vol. 17 No 3/4 December
We are living in a rapidly changing world. We find ourselves in a state of profound, world-wide crisis, it is a complex, multidimensional crisis whose facts touch every aspect of our life. It is a crisis of intellectual, moral, and spiritual dimensions. It is a striking sign of our time that people who are supposed to be experts in various fields can no longer deal with the urgent problems that have arisen in their areas of expertise. The current crisis, therefore, is not just a crisis of individuals, governments, or social institutions, it is a transition of planetary dimensions.
The primary role of IFSR is not only to provide a forum for communications among the members from various disciplines, but to also facilitate a continuing project on global crisis. I feel that it is necessary to establish the “Research Committee” within IFSR in order to cope with the Global Crisis in the 21st Century. It is also very urgent to adopt and declare “the Manifesto of Systems Thinking for Solving the Global Crisis in the 21st Century”. I think that all of members of IFSR will take part in this meaningful project.