Dear Readers!
Several important announcements can be found in this issue. One concerns the EMCSR’94, the bi-annual conference of the OSGK, one of the founding members of the IFSR. There you will be able to meet all your colleagues.
The second one concerns the Board Meeting of the IFSR in Vienna (in conjunction with the EMCSR’94). The announcement appears on page 5.
One of the topics at this meeting will be the future of the IFSR Newsletter. How can we make it even more useful to YOU: So come with new ideas! You are also invited to write to us. Regrettably up to now there has been very little feedback from our readership.
Therefore let me remind you again that this Newsletter could be a very convenient medium for communicating with the rest of the systems world The turn-around time is one month on average! So it is a rather fast communication channel!
Gerhard Chroust, Stephen Sokoloff
Systemtechnik und Uutomation
Kepler University Linz, 4040, Linz, Austria
Symposium in Honor of a Pioneering Systems Thinker – Raoul H. France (1874 Vienna – 1943 Budapest)
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of France’s death a meeting was held in the library of the University of Salzburg on Oct. 22-23, 1993. lt was organized by Prof. Franz Pichler and Dr. Erna Aescht, both of Linz, Austria. One of the main speakers was Rene Roth.

Rene Roth, his wife and Prof. Frank Pichler, Foto Stephen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol. 13 No. 1 (32) March
Table of Contents
- Symposium in Honor of a Pioneer Systems Thinker – Raoul H. France (1874- Vienna – 1944 Budapest)…1
Salt shaker (‘2’) and poppy seed capsule (‘1’) from Raoul France [5], ‘Die Pflanze als Ertinder’,
Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 1920, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol 13 No. 1 (32)
Raoul France’s Heritage: a Nightmare for Specialists, Stephen Sokoloff…2 -
Prof. Lofti Zadeh (left) receiving an award from Prof. Robert Trappl at the EMCSR92 photo: Stephen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol 13 No 1 (32)
NEW TRENDS: Creating Intelligent Machines with Fuzzy Logic, Lofti A. Zadeh…3 - What is new in “SYSTEMS RESEARCH”?…4
- Conference Reports: 5th Int. Conversation on Comprehensive Systems Design of Education…5
- News from the Bookmarket: Practical Philosophy and Action Theory…5
- Conference Announcements…5
- 12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSH 94) April 5-8, 1994, Vienna, Austria…5
- 3rd International Conference on the Software Process (!CSP3): Oct 10-11,1994, Reston, Virginia, USA…5
- Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems, May 24-27,1994, Stockholm, Sweden…5
- 38th Annual Meeting of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, June 14-19, 1994, Monterey Peninsula, Calif….5
- ICsl’g4 – Integration of Society tor the Social, Economical, Scientific and Technological Development, July 30 – Aug 6, 1994, Sao Paulo City, Brazil…6
- Our Members:…6
- Calender of Events…7
IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol. 13 no. 1 March
IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol. 13 no. 1 (32) March in PDF