Member Societies – Listing
The IFSR is currently comprised of 45 member organizations.
A ‘(*)’ indicates an unavailable or incorrect address of the homepage
(For update contact Gerhard Chroust, the Secretary General of the IFSR,
List of Members sorted by their official name:
- American Society for Cybernetics (ASC) [7]
- Asociacion Argentina de Teoria General de Sistemas y Cibernetica (GESI)[5] (*)
- Asociacion Latinoamericana de Sistemas (ALAS) [38] (*)
- Asociacion Mexicana de la Ciencia de Sistemas (AMCS) [37] (*)
- Association Francaise des Sciences et Technologies de l’information et des Systemes (AFSCET) [11]
- Australian and New Zealand Systems Group (ANZSYS) [33]
- Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) [41]
- Bulgarian Society for System (BSSR) [30]
- Business Systems Laboratory (BS-Lab) [48]
- Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems (CHAOS )[28]
- Croatian Interdisciplinary Society (HID) [44]
- Cybernetics Society (CYBSOC) [9]
- Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Kybernetik (GfK) [34]
- Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik (GWS) [12]
- Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management (GIFT) [32] (*)
- Greek Systems Society [14] (*)
- Hai Phong Systems Science Society (HPSSS) [53] (*)
- Heinz von Förster Gesellschaft (HvF) [42]
- Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) [36]
- Institut Indépendant de Systémique des Organisations G.I.R.O.S.(GIROS) [50]
- Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) [55]
- Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence (ISCE) [51]
- Instituto Andino de Sistemas (IAS) [26]
- International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) [46]
- International Institute Galileo Galilei (IIGG) [45] (*)
- International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) [39]
- International Society for the Knowledge and Systems Sciences (ISKSS) [35]
- International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) [3]
- International Sociological Association, ISA-RC51 on Sociocybernetics (RC51) [40]
- International Systems Institute (ISI) [4]
- Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies (JASESS) [31] (*)
- Learned Society of Praxiology [16] (*)
- Malik Institute (Malik) [57]
- Management Science Society of Ireland (MSSI) [29]
- Metaphorum Group (METAPHORUM) [47]
- Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik (OSGK) [1]
- Pentagram Research Centre Private Limited [43]
- Slovenian Society for Systems Research (SDSR) [25]
- Sociedad Espanola de Sistemas Generales (SESGE) [13]
- Systeemgroep Nederland (SGN) [2]
- System Dynamics Society [58]
- Systemes & Organisations ASBL (S&O) [52]
- Systemic Design Network (SDN) [54]
- Systems and Cybernetics in Organisation Ltd [56]
- Systems Engineering Society of China (SESC) [21]
- World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) [49]