IFSR Newsletter 1999 Vol. 18 No. 2 July
Approved by the IFSR Board at it’s founding Meeting in June 1980 in Vienna, Austria
- Strengthen the programs of member societies by their involvement in the program and network of IFSR. (Social Learning Goal)
- Facilitate (encourage) the development of Systems science in countries in which such programs do not yet exist or are now developing. (Membership Development)
- Develop – Implement – evaluate IFSR level programs to meet the purposes of IFSR; to advance systems science. (Synergetic Goal)
- Identify inventory system science relevant resources, acquire those and make them accessible to member societies. (Resource Development Goal)
- Make contribution to the larger (global) scientific community and be of service to improve the (global) human condition and enrich the quality of life of all. (Global Mission)
- Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik (Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies)
- Society For General Systems Research
- Systeemgroep Nederland
IFSR Newsletter 1999 Vol. 18 No. 2 July