IFSR Headquarters in Laxenburg, Austria, 1982, IFSR Newsletter 1982 Vol 2 No. 2 Summer
IFSR Newsletter 1982 Vol. 2 No. 1 Spring
The search is over!
After nearly 12 months effort which involved inspection of and negotiations for a dozen or so possible premises by the Vice-President of IFSR, Professor Dr. Robert Trappl, in cooperation with officers of the Austrian Federal Ministery for Science and Research, permanent premises to house IFSR in Laxenburg have been secured. They are expected to become available before the end of the year, when they will replace temporary accommodation provided by ASCS at their own offices and seminar rooms at Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna l.
The Laxenburg address will be at Hofstrasse 1, A-238C Laxenburg, Austria, an attractive corner building opening out from Hofstrasse to the Schlossplatz, conveniently close to the IIASA offices and IFAC offices. Special provision will need to be made for a ‘Depository’ of papers, tapes, slides and other material built up by Professor Dr. George Klir during his editorship of ‘General Systems – An lnternational Journal’; an accumulation of research information which he has, very kindly and generously, offered to lodge with and put at the disposal of the IFSR.