Meetings Arranged by Member Societies, 1981

IFSR Newsletter, 1981, No. 1, Autumn
Society for General Systems Research
International Conference on Systems Methodology and 26th Annual Meeting of the Society, January 5—9, 1982, at the International Inn, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
20 Symposia, S Plenary Sessions, Memorial Lectures for Ross Ashby and Ludwig von Bertalanffy.
Symposia Includes:
Methodology of Systems Design, Fuzzy Systems, System Methodology and Conflict Resolution. Systems Methodo- logiy applied to Government, Mathematical Aspects, Computer Aspects, Information Theory, and Education. Systems Methodology: Philospophical Aspects Engineering, Psychology/Psychiatry, Resource/Energy Management
Systems Methodology in Management, Health Care, Ecology, Systems Methods in Urban and Rural Planning. Systems Methodology in the Social Sciences, Biological
Sciences, Physical Sciences, Education in Systems Methodology.
For more details apply to Dr. L. Troncale, Director, Institu- te foi Systems Studies, California State Polytechnic Uni- versity, 3801 West Temple Ave., Pomona CA 91768, USA.
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
The 6th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, April 13—16, 1982 at the University of Vienna.
Ten Symposia (the number reduced in line with majority vote by past participants).
Symposia include:

  • General Systems Methodology (G. Klir)
  • Systems and Decision Theory (F. Pichler/ A. Wierzbicki) Cybernetics in Biology and Medicine (L. Ricciardi) Cybernetics in Cognition and Learning (G. Pask) Cybernetics in Organization, Management and Society. (F. de P. Hanika/ Rolfe Tomlinson)
  • Health Care Systems (N. Bailey/W. Buchstaller)
  • Energy Systems (R.S. Caputo)
  • Fuzzy Sets (C. Carlsson)
  • Communication and Computers (A. Lee /W .D. Rauch / J. Schwartzel)
  • Artificial Intelligence (W. Horn / P.H. Winston)

For more details apply to the Austrian Society For Cyber- netic Studies, Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria

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