IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 1 June, editors Gerhard Chroust and Stephen Sokoloff
Dear Readers!
This Newsletter is a product of our editorial collaboration. We hope that it will appeal to you. We are trying to make our Newsletter better, faster and cheaper. First of all, we have attempted to cut costs by converting to desktop editing and single-color printing. Furthermore, we have tried to make this publication more up-to-date by drastically reducing the interval between the editorial deadline and the time the Newsletter lands on your desk. Overseas mailing delays do still present a considerable problem, but we are working on it!
you will also find a new face on the editorial board: Gerhard Chroust, the new secretary/treasurer of the IFSR, will take primary responsibility for the Newsletter, together with our experienced editor Stephen Sokoloff. Toegher we hope to provide a Newsletter which deserves the prefix ‘news’ and which servers your interests. In each Newsletter we will provide information on past and future conferences and on relevant books on the market. We will report on the IFSR and plan to present some of its members. One section will be devoted to some new trend in our field.
Since the Newsletter should not be a one-way street we invite you to provide the necessary input to make it a living connection between the members. If you have any suggestions etc. please contact us.
Hoping for a good cooperation
Gerhard Chroust, Stephen Sokoloff
Systemtechnik und Automation
Kepler University, Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
Table of Contents
- The Future of Cast: “T” for Technology…1
- CBSE Task Force Meeting London…2
- New Trends: Designing an Effective System of Environmental Laws: a few Basic Considerations, Herbert Wegscheider and Stephen Sokoloff…2
- News from the Bookmarket
- Facets of Systems Science…4
- Systems Engineering
- Principles and Practice of Computer based Systems Engineering….4
- Relative lnformation: Theories and Applications…4
- New officers for IFSR…4
- From the new Treasurer/Secretary…5
- New members…5
- List of Members…5
- Conference Announcements…5
- Calender of Events…6
IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 1 June
IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 1 June in PDF