IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 3 November Professor Dr. Gerard de Zeeuw
Dear Readers,
The Christmas season is close at hand, and we are in a merry mood indeed, delighted about the positive responses the “reborn” Newsletter has received. That is not only our achievement but primarily that of the growing circle of authors who are providing us with excellent written material and interviews. We would like to extend our special thanks to Prof. Gerard De Zeeuw, Prof. Franz Pichler, Prof Magoroh Maruyama and Prof. Herbert Wegscheider. May we count on your continuing support in the coming year?
To all IFSR members and other Newsletter fans – we wish you a happy holiday season. Unfortunately we cannot give you a real Christmas present, but in lieu of this we can at least privide improved facilities and incentives for keeping in touch with us (see following boxes).
Gerhard Chroust, Stephen Sokoloff
Systemtechnik und Automation
Kepler University Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
Table of Contents
- Problems of (In)variants and Values, Gerard de Zeeuw…1
- Obiect-Oriented Programming in Living Systems, Stephen Sokoloff…3
- Conference Report: Fourth Annual Conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy
- Systems Tucson, Arizona, September, 20-22, 1994…4
- News from the Bookmarket
- International Systems Science Handbook…5
- A Systems View of Education…5
- What is new in “SYSTEMS RESEARCH”?…5
- Conference Announcements…6
- Interdisciplinary Conf. on Neural Modelling June 20-24, 1 994, Lyon, France CAISE*94 – 6th Conf. on Advanced
- Information Systems Engineering June 6-10, 1994 Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Calender of Events…6
IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 3 November
IFSR Newsletter 1993 Vol. 12 No. 3 (31) November in PDF