From your Editors
Dear Readers,
We would first like to apologize for the incorrect e-mail address in several issues of the Newsletter. It has now been revised.
At its biennial meeting on April 7, 1994, the IFSR board made some far-reaching decisions in respect to the Newsletter. In the future, only a small number will be printed centrally in Austria. Our larger member organizations will instead receive a master copy by airmail and will be responsible for copying it. Of course this new distribution scheme, which is intended to slash our mailing costs and to substantially reduce oversees delivery times, does require preparatory work. Therefore it will probably not be implemented until October. As soon as it is in effect, we will start with our next step – putting out an e-mail version of the Newsletter.
In this edition you can read about Bela H. Banathy, the new president of the IFSR. He and the other recently elected officers have already worked out an ambitious set of objectives, as you can see from the letter on page 2. In these plans the Newsletter will play a prominent role; please read it and contribute to it! The calendar of events provides you with an easy means of publicizing your conferences and seminars. We will be glad to include any relevant announcements that we receive on time – that means at least three months before the meeting! Of course we would also appreciate post-conference reports. They shouldn’t just mention who was there, but should summarize interesting ideas and developments. The writer is free to take a subjective point of view and report on the insights which were most important for him personally. Please take the time to share your experiences with us so that we can convey them to your colleagues.
Looking forward to an intensified co-operation,
Gerhard Chroust, Stephen Sokoloff
Systemtechnik und Automation
Kepler University Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
Table of Contents
- New Officers of the IFSR…1
Prof. Bela H. Banathy, President of the IFSR 1994, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol 13 No. 2 (33) July
Bela H. Banathy…2 - A letter from IFSR’s Executive Committee…2
- New Trends: Designing our Future, Prof. Bela H. Banathy…3
- Conference Report…4
- Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research – EMCSR’94 April5-8, 1994, Vienna
- The 94 Fuschl Conversation, Fuschl, Austria, April 10-’15
- News from the Bookmarket: IFSR lnternational Series on Systems Science and Engineering (Series Editor: George J. Klir), The Alternative Mathematical Model of Linguistic Semantics and Pragmatics…5
Gordon Pask, foto by Stephnen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1984 Vol 13 No 2 (33) July
What is new in “SYSTEMS RESEARCH”? Vol. 10, No.3, 1993: Special Edition in honour of Gordon Pask. This special edition contains 24 papers of leading scientists, all related to Gordon Pask…5 - Conference Announcements…6
- CON’94 : Workflow Management Oct. 19-21,’1994, Hagenberg/Linz, Austria
- Sixth lnt. Conversation of the Design of Social Systems Nov. 13-18, 1994, Monterey, California
- News from the IFSR…7
Professor Adolf Adam, foto by Stephen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol 13 no 2 (33) July
Meritorious Award of the IFSR to Professor Adolf ADAM…7 - From our Member societies: EMCSR’94 – Special Awards Honorary Membership in the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies…7
- From the Treasurer/Secretary…7
Godly Knowledge, Frank Fusch, Stephen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol 13 No 2 (33) july
- Calender of Events…8