Dear Readers!
It seems to me that the second half of 1998 just ran away. I organized three conferences and edited two of their proceedings. And this meant that the planned October issue of the Newsletter never materialized. So take my excuses for the long interval from the June issue. I decided to merge the remaining two Newsletters – you will see there is enough material for a double issue. Once things go wrong, they go terribly wrong. I just learnt, that the printing of the USA-version of our Newsletter was not accomplished in time by our USA printer. The Newsletters only went to press in September. So those of you, which receive the American version of the Newsletter, please take our apologies for this mishap which was outside our immediate control! As a New Year’s promise I will try to deliver the 4 issues of the Newsletter more or less on time.
The IFSR gave a strong sign of activity in this year’s Fuschl conversation and we have – for the first time – Proceedings with a proper ISBNnumber, published within a decent time frame after the conference. We also published the Proceedings of the Fuschl 1996 proceedings. Both can be acquired from the ÖSGK, Robert Trappl’s office, hope that you will enjoy them!
I should also report that we have made a slight change in the format of the Newsletter. We decided to print our US-version on a US-format paper. Therefore the European version has now slightly larger margins at the top and the bottom.
Let me close by wishing all of you a peaceful holiday season and a Happy New Year.
Gerhard Chroust
Table of Contents
IFSR President Yong Pil Rhee, IFSR Newsletter 1998 Vol. 17 No 3/4 December
A Vision for the IFSR: Global Crisis in the 21st Century, Yong Pil Rhee…2 -
Embodying Situations & Issues:
Sharing Contexts and Encouraging Dialogue, Heiner Benking, IFSR Newsletter 1998 Vol 17 No 3-4 December
New Trends: Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, Heiner Benking…2 - New Thoughts …4
- News from the IFSR …6
- From Our Member Societies …6
Preparing a Report for Fuschl photo: Gerhard Chroust, IFSR Newsletter 1998 Vol 17 No 3-4 December
Fuschl Conversation 1998 …7 - Conference Announcements …8
- The Cybernetic Society Essay Price …9
- Conference Reports …10
- Journals …10
- News from the Book Market …13
- Project Reports…14
- Systems East and West: An International Project…14
Organizational Memory Systems: Advanced Database & Network Technologies in Organizations, Franz Lehner, IFSR Newsletter 1998 Vol 17 No 3-4 December
Organizational Memory Systems: Advanced Database & Network Technologies in Organizations, Franz Lehner…15
- Calendar of Events …16