IFSR Vice President’s Message 2012: Yoshi Horiuchi

IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

VP Message 2012: Yoshi Horiuchi, IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

VP Message 2012: Yoshi Horiuchi, IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

Yoshi Horiuchi
My intentions as an IFSR Vice President are:

  1. IFSR: I would like to help IFSR to provide better service to its member organizations, as well as stimulating communications among the member organizations. Also, I would like to help improving the presence of IFSR in the systems academic and practice communities in the world at large.
  2. IFSR Conversation: As the record holder of IFSR and ISI Conversations participation (I missed IFSR Conversation only twice since 1990), I would like to contribute to spreading the Systems Design Conversation to the world at large; as well as help holding the IFSR-type Conversations in new places as well as at the good, old Asilomar. Also, I would like to help bringing a wide variety of participants to the Conversations. Also, I was attending Asilomar Conversations every time from 1990 until 2002, except twice.
    1. Mini Conversation Plan: At 2006 Fuschl, our team developed a Miniconversation model, for the novice to try out the Conversation on weekends. At ISSS2007 in Tokyo, Jed Jones and I co hosted such a Mini Conversation, with a reasonable success.
    2. Conversation in non-western settings At 1993 and 1994 ISI Asilomar Conversations we designed the first Japan Conversation, based on the Japanese culture, with English and Japanese as two official languages, using simultaneous translation. This kind of format would be time consuming, but could be interesting.
    3. Asilomar Conversation again: ISI Asilomar Conversation held in Pacific Grove, California attracted participants from the American continents and the Pacific rim, compared, and had a unique atmosphere in a nice contrast to the IFSR Conversations with an European atmosphere. I would hope to help holding the Asilomar Conversation again, and Conversations in the Latin America and the Pacific rim. It would be a nice addition to the IFSR Conversations in Europe.

Yoshi Horiuchi
E-mail : horiuchi@sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp
Curriculum Vitae
I lived in the US for ten years where I was getting my Ph.D., and teaching at a US college. Worked in international and high-tech public relations and marketing fields.
1973 B.A. in Law, Waseda University, Japan,
1973 Marketing Executive, Foreign Trade Department, Taisho Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan,
1976 M.S. in Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA,
1980-84 Instructor, MBA Program and Marketing Department, LaSalle University, Philadelphia, USA,
1984 Ph.D. in Social Systems Sciences, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA,
1984-88 Director, Socioatomic Public Relations Company, Tokyo, Japan,
1988-2005 Associate Professor/Professor, School of Administration and Informatics, University of
Shizuoka, Japan,
2005 – Present: Professor of Idealized Systems Design and Qualitative Systems Analysis at the Shibaura Institute of Technology in Tokyo.

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