Welcome Business Systems Laboratory (B.S.Lab)!

IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

Business Systems Laboratory (B.S. Labs), IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

Business Systems Laboratory (B.S. Labs), IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

Business Systems Laboratory (B.S.Lab) (B.S.Lab – www.bslaboratory.net ) is a non-profit association for the promotion of research and teaching in the field of business and social systems. It joined the International Federation for Systems Research in March 2012.
B.S.Lab was established on December 30th 2011 by a group of Italian young scholars and practitioners in the field of business systems: Dr. Gianpaolo Basile (President, consultant and lecturer), Dr. Gandolfo Dominici (Vice President and Scientific Board President, Tenured Ass. Prof. of Business Management at the Univ. of Palermo), Dr. Enzo Scannella (Secretary, Ass. Prof. of Business Management at the Univ. of Palermo), Mr. Antonio Vitolo (consultant and director of StudioStratego), Ms. Federica Palumbo (PhD student at Univ. Sapienza of Rome).
Honorary Members of B.S.Lab are: Dr. Mark Buchanan (physicist and author); Prof. Carlo Dominici (former Dean of Faculty of Economics, Univ. of Palermo and consultant); Prof. Raul Espejo (Director-General of the World Organization for Systems and Cybernetics and Principal Researcher at Syncho Ltd); Prof. Klaus Krippendorff (Emeritus at The Annenberg School for Communication, Univ. of Pennsylvania); Dr. Charles François (Honorary president of GESI and ALAS); Prof. Gaetano Golinelli (Emeritus – Univ. Sapienza of Rome and founder of the Italian school of Viable Systems Approach); Prof. Sergio Sciarelli (Univ. Federico II of Naples).
The Association focuses on the development and dissemination of insights on the systemic approach to business sciences, as well as on fostering contacts and interchange of firms and academia.
The activities started in January 2012 and include, among others, the publication of the scientific journal BUSINESS SYSTEMS REVIEW (ISSN 2280-3866, www.business-systems-review.org).
In the near future B.S.Lab will organize two events: the B.S.Lab Discussion Meeting due September 11-12 at University of Palermo (Italy) and the International Symposium- THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: TIME FOR A PARADIGM SHIFT ~ .TOWARDS A SYSTEMS APPROACH due January 24-25 in Valencia (Spain) organized together with SESGE (Sociedad Española de Sistemas Generales), IASCYS (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetics Sciences) and the Universitat de València – Facultat d’Economia. The Conference Program Chair of the Symposium is Josè Rodolfo Hernandez-Carrion (member of B.S.Lab and SESGE), the Scientific Director is Gandolfo Dominici.
(Link to the event: www.business-systems-review.org/International.Symposium.Valencia.2013.htm)
As premise to the Symposium of Valencia, Charles François wrote an article titled: “Complexity and Systemic Models: Tools to understand and manage crises”, published on
Business Systems Review (link: http://dx.medra.org/10.7350/BSR.A06.2012).
At the event of Valencia B.S.Lab will give awards for their contribution to the advancement of systems thinking applied to management: Gaetano Golinelli; Matjaz Mulej (Emeritus Univ. of Maribor and Vice President of IASCYS) and Raul Espejo.

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