I have the honor to announce that the
IFSR Board in its meeting on April 13, 2018 has elected an new Executive Committee:
- President : Prof. Ray Ison, Open University, UK (ray.ison@open.ac.uk)
- Secretary General : Mag. Stefan Blachfellner, Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Austria (stefan.blachfellner@bcsss.org)
- 1st Vice President : Dr. Louis Klein, European School of Governance, Germany (louis.klein@eusg.eu )
- 2nd Vice President : Dr. Nam Nguyen, Malik Institute Adelaide, Australia, and Malik Institute Hanoi, Vietnam (Nam.Nguyen@mzsg.com)
The new Committee will take office on May 1st, 2018.
I wish the new Executive Committee all the Success and Good Luck they deserve.
With the new Executive Committee Stefan and me are working on a seamless transition, but we ask for patience if some activities get slightly delayed.