The present situation of the sea needs to be considered in a systemic view, connecting not only the environmental aspects with each other, but also relating those with economic and political decisions. There is a need for a world model, and to create consciousness in the population about the importance of the sea; therefore, the importance of including these topics into the educational curriculum, starting from the youngest of the society.
The Grupo Mar (in English “Sea Group”) is a research, development and action association, integrated by academics and professionals interested in a systemic approach to the topics related with the sea and its coasts.
It is composed by the following institutions:
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), Grupo de Estudio de Sistemas Integrados (GESI), Colegio Atlántico del Sur de Mar del Plata (CADS), Fundación EcoConciencia Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Regional La Plata (UTN-FRLP), Academia del Mar (ACMAR), Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (FCE-UNPSJB)
On June 8th, 2018 – World Oceans Day – the Grupo Mar presented a participatory project at the Puerto Madryn Regional Headquarters of the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia, San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), the host institution of the event.
For a full account see
2018 Grupo Mar versión inglés