Dear Readers!
This Newsletter differs slightly from the previous ones. I am grateful that so many of you shave supplied me with interesting pieces of information on conferences, books and events in their societies. I have also included some backlog information on conference announcements which already have been mentioned in the previous Newsletters. In this context I would like to mention that in the Calendar of Events you will find an indication (“
Finally I would like to wish you a pleasant summer and the long needed holiday time! Keep the information flowing!
Yours sincerely,
Gerhard Chroust
Table of Contents
- In Memorandum: Prof. Dr. Rafael Rodriguez Delgado, Bela H. Banathy…1
Heinz von Förster with Peter Weibel and Werner –
Jimmy DePauli-Schimanovich in Las Palmas in
November 1996, IFSR Newsletter 1997 Vol 16 No 1 April
Systems Thinking: Heins Von Förster Honoured in Austria, Werner DePauli-Schimanovich…1 - Conference Announcements …2
- News from the Book Market: Designing Social Systems in a Changing World, Bela H. Banathy…5
- Journals …5
- What is System(s) Engineering? …6
- News from the IFSR …6
- Calendar of Events …7