Dear Readers!
This Newsletter has been delayed for many reasons. It should have been published in early October but three mishaps occurred within 2 weeks: at first the central disk-storage of our server broke down, then we realized that as a result of human oversight the back-up versions were not fully adequate and finally my own personal computer (I use a notebook) also gave up. It meant that we lost data and –worst of all – we lost valuable time which we needed in order to start off the new semester on October 1st. The Newsletter simply had to wait. But now it is in your hands and I hope you will enjoy it. I would like to point out to you the announcements of next year’s IFSR events: the EMCSR in Vienna and the associated meetings of the IFSR. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely,
Gerhard Chroust
Table of Contents
- Building IFSR as a Viable Community of Systems Societies, Bela H. Banathy
The Virtual Factory: simulating a real enterprise, IFSR Newsletter 1997 Vol 16 No 3 November
New Trends: Virtual Factory…2 - Conference Reports …2
- Conference Announcements …3
- News from the Book Market: Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors, Robert Trappl, Paolo Petta…5
- Internet News…6
- What is System(s) Engineering? …6
- News from the IFSR …7
- Calendar of Events …8