Dear Members!
Another very active year for the IFSR has passed and I am proud to have the privilege to support these activities. For me, personally, much has changed: Since October 1st, 2007 I am a Professor Emeritus of the University of Linz.
This has some dramatic changes for me and also for my job as Secretary General of the IFSR: I can devote more time to the IFSR, on the other hand I do not have any secretarial support from the university any more. So be patient if some things get delayed. On the other hand I hope you have noticed the increased activity on our homepage. This is now our primary medium of information exchange and communication – please use it and support it by supplying information. This drastically changes the purpose of the IFSR-Newsletter: I think that only information of an archival value should go into the newsletter.
This precludes short-term announcements of conferences etc. – These you find on the web-site! And it is more up-to-date! But this Newsletter will inform you of major activities of the IFSR, especially in the past year – you will be surprised, how diversified the IFSR has become in its intentions.
Let me now wish you all
A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year 2009
Gerhard Chroust
Table of Contents
- Our new Vice-President: Yoshiteru Nakamori …2
- Yoshiteru Nakamori’s Welcome Statement …2
- New contact data for IFSR …3
- At your Service: IFSR’s homepage! …3
- IFSR-Day at EMCSR on March 26th, 2008 …4
Yoshiteru Nakamori, IFSR Newsletter 2008 Vol. 26 No. 1 December
Models and Systems for Knowledge Integration and Creation, Yoshiteru Nakamori: Ross Ashby Memorial Lecture: …5
- Membership Survey Benefits from IFSR and potential changes to Fuschl Conversations…7
- 14th Fuschl Conversation 2008 Results…7
- Team 1: Progressing the integrations of Systems courses and concepts into universities…8
- Team 2: The trajectory of systems research and practice …10
- Team 3: Disseminating, Accessing and Communicating Systems Knowledge …11
- Team 4: Quality and Excellence in Systems Research …12
- IFSR Board Meeting March 26, 2008 …14
- International Academy of Systems Science and Cybernetics – List of Relevant Journals! …15
- News from Our Member Societies …16
- HSSS launches the International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS) …16
- 5th National & International HSSS Conference Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) …17
- Traditional Berliner November 2007…17
- Traditional Berliner November 2008…17
- Systemic Activities in Latin America …18
- Journal of Systems Research and Behavioural Science …19