IFSR Newsletter, 1981, No. 1, Autumn

IFSR President George J. Klir, IFSR Newsletter 1981 Vol 1 No. 1
President George J. Klir is a professor of systems science and chairman of the Dept. of Systems Science at the State University of New York at Bing- hamton, NY. He received his Ph D in computer science from the Czechslovak Academy of Science in Prague. He is President of the Society for General Systems Research, Editor of the International Journal of General Systems, editor of two book series and author or editor of 12 books and over 70 papers in the areas of systems methodology, discrete mathematics and computer architecture and design.

IFSR Vice. President Robert Trappl, IFSR Newsletter 1981 Vol 1 No. 1
Vice. President Robert TRAPPL (Ph. D. Vienna), Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna; Director of the Institute for Medical Cybernetics of the University; President of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna since its foundation in 1970; Editor of Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal and General Edi- tor of Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vols. I—XI.

IFSR Secretary/Treasurer Gerard de Zeeuw, IFSR Newsletter 1981 Vol 1 No. 1