Dear Readers!
Again I have to apologize for a delay in this Newsletter. I have been intensively involved in both the EUROCAST Conference and the European ESPITI project (see inside).
I am glad to report that part of the last Newsletter (No. 36) was successfully printed in the USA and distributed from there. It saves money and should enable a prompter delivery of the Newsletter to our overseas members.
Part of the delay of the Newsletter is also due to the very slow submission of topics suitable for “New Trends”. This issue’s “New Trends” are concerned with a very interesting problem in autonomous robotics. When I started the “New Trends” column I hoped to present a view of research directions that is as broad as possible. Unfortunately I have not received many suitable submissions. Please remember that I am always looking for interesting contributions for “New Trends”. Is your subject not worthy to be presented?
I would again remind you that the Newsletter (and some other interesting pieces of information are available on the IFSR’s WWW-pages. The access is via the URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Finally I would like to wish you a pleasant holiday season and hope to hear from you in September.
Gerhard Chroust
Systemtechnik und Automation
Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
Table of Contents
EUROCAST on the Rocks, From left to right: Prof. Sato, Japan, Prof. Franz Pichler, Austria, Prof. Takahara, Japan, Prof. Candela-Sola, Spain., 1995, IFSR Newsletter 1995 Vol 14 No 2 (37) July
EUROCAST’95: 5th lnt. Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Technology (CAST) May 22-25, 1 995, lnnsbruck, Austria…1 - New Trends: Integrated Navigation Systems for Low-Cost Mobile Robots, Rudolf Bauer…2
- Project Reports: Some pathways to integrative study, education, and thought Joseph Engelberg University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky, USA…3
- Conference Reports: EUROCAST and ESPITI May 23, 1995, Innsbruck (A)…4
- Conference Announcements:
- 13th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 1996) April9 – 12, 1996, University of Vienna…5
- lnt. Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS) March 11 – 15, 1996 Friedrichshafen, Germany…5
- Other Societies:…6
- IGEL: lnternationalSociety for the Empirical Study of Literature
- Cybernetics & Systems in the Sociological World
- News From the Book Market…7
- News from the IFSR
- An Informal Annual Report from Your Executive Committee…7
- From the Secretary/Treasure…7
- From Our Member Societies: The Polish Systems Society…8
- Calendar of Events…9