"A SYSTEMIC VISION OF THE CRISES" 15th – 17th October 2018 B …


Join us & the European Community of System Science and Design
in Brussels in October 2018!
Together with the European Union for Systemics (EUS – UES) and the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR) would like to invite you to the:
10th congress of the European Union for Systemics
From optimization to change strategy?”

15th – 17th October 2018
Brussels, Belgium
We call for:
Every contribution must be submitted as a summary.
Each submission will be evaluated by peers – at least three members of the Scientific Committee of the conference – based on their relevance, their breadth and their depth regarding the theme of the congress, but also the topicality and the purpose of the submitted subject.
The summary has to be a Word compatible format, in English or in French, maximum 250 words and has to be sent as an attachment!
All INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS have to be sent by email to ues2018@ues-eus.org
Deadline: 29th April 2018
The authors of the VALIDATED SUBMISSIONS will be asked to contribute via full-text articles (Word compatible format, in English or in French, maximum 6000 words, formatted following the instructions contained in the style file downloadable here!
If necessary, the summary can also be written in your mother tongue.
The slides will have to be written in English or in French and the oral presentation
will have to be conducted in English or in French as well.
The contributions are an integral part of the UES2018 congress and the documents validated by the Scientific Committee will be published in the Acta Europeana Systemica (AES), n°8, 2018 magazine.
Please find further information about the conference UES2018: http://ues2018.eu/en/a-systems-thinking-approach-of-crises-from-optimization-to-change-strategy/
| Category: EVENT