IFSR Newsletter 1995 Vol. 14 No. 1 March, Dr. “Jimmy” DePaun-Shimanovich
Dear Readers!
In several ways this Newsletter is it premier!
First of all it is the first Newsletter for which I could not rely on the extensive support of Dr. Sokoloff. You will remember that due to financial reasons we had to abandon Dr. Sokoloff’s careful editorship. This will probably mean, that the English will slightly deteriorate – but perhaps it may also unintentionally give you the chance of a laugh.
Secondly – and I hope that our American readers will have noticed this, we have now two locations for printing. For North and South America Bela Ranathy has taken over the printing of the Newsletter, using the same master as I do here in Linz to print for therest of the world. This should also enable our American readers to receive the Newsletter with less delay. It also saves a considerable amount of money!
Thirdly – and it is rather me myself who feels this difference, I have a new secretary, Ms. Dagmar Reinmann, which takes care of most of the typing and arranging which has gone into the Newsletter
Fourth: you can read this Newsletter via WWW! See the column “News from the IFSR” for more details.
Lastly it also means that I am obliged to acquire articles for the Newsletter more actively.
Remember, I am always looking for interesting contributions to fill the “New Trends” column and to provide information on past or future events.
Gerhard Chroust
Systemtechnik und Automation
Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4040 linz, Austria
Table of Contents
- Eurocast’95 5th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Technology (CAST)…1
- New Trends: CSCW Concepts for Software Development Environments, Paul Grunbacher…2
- Project Reports…3
- Computer as Learning Partner
- Dictionary of Systemics and Cybernetics
- Conference Reports: STIQE’94: lmportant Linking Points of Sciences and Practices separated for too long
- New Societies: Slovene Society of Systems Research…4
- Conference Announcements…4
- Systems Thinking, Government Policy and Decision Making 1995 Annua! Meeting of the lnternational Society for the Systems Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 – 29, July 1995
- The 12th lnt. Conference on Case Method Research and Case Method Application: “Environmental Problem Solving” from Cases and Experiments to Concepts, Knowledge, Tools and Motivation” Nov. 12 – ’15, 1995, MARIBOR, Slovenia
- A Discussion…5
- What’s new in “SYSTEMS RESEARCH”?…6
- News from the IFSR…7
- From our Member societies: New Member Societies
- Systems Engineering Society of China, BEIJING, CHINA
- Korean Society for Systems Science Research, Seoul, Korea
- Polish Systems Society, Warsaw, Poland
- ltalian Association for Research on Systems, Milano, Italy
- From the Secretary/Treasurer…7
- Calendar of Events…8
IFSR Newsletter 1995 Vol. 14 No. 1 March
IFSR Newsletter 1995 Vol. 14 No. 1 March in PDF