IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September

Dear Members!
The last 12 months have been exciting for the IFSR:
We held our General Assembly (with the election of the new Executive Committee) during the EMCSR Congress in Vienna in April 2012, followed by a very successful IFSR Conversation, this year in St. Magdalena in Linz Austria.
We were able to establish close relations with two other international federations, the UES (Union Européenne de Systémique) and the WOSC (World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics). Consequently I attended a meeting at the UES Congress in October 2011 in Brussels. We are reporting about these events and several others in this Newsletter.
I renew my plea for information on your society and its activities to be put into the next Newsletter and/or on the IFSR-website.
With my best wishes
Yours sincerely
Gerhard Chroust

IFSR Newsletter 2012 Vol. 29 No. 1 September