IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol. 13 no. 2 (33) July

Professor Adolf Adam, foto by Stephen Sokoloff, IFSR Newsletter 1994 Vol 13 no 2 (33) July
Prof. A. Adam, Kepler University Linz, has made many pioneering contributions to the use of computers in statistics, econometrics and operations research. He has written a great deal about the history of science, especially astronomy, and has continually been concerned with ethical aspects of computer and econometric applications. He is the founding editor of the first German language operations research journal, “Unternehmensforschung – Operations Research”, and the founder of the technical scientific faculty of the University of Linz. Although now 77 years old and retired, he is still extremely active and he isn’t even thinking of slowing down.
Adam fans will be interested in the German language volume.”BeitrAge zur Systemforschung – Festschrift Adolf Adam” by Helmut Beran and Franz Pichler (eds.), Springer Verlag.