Tag Archives: luminary

Luigi M. Ricciardi (1942-2011)

Luigi M. Ricciardi was a full professor since 1976 and a member of the Department of Mathematics and Applications of the University of Naples Federico II (Italian only) since 1981, where he was a professor… Read more »

Gale Alden (G.A.) Swanson (1939-2009)

Gale Alden (G.A.) Swanson (Jan 12, 1939 – July 3, 2009 ) was an American organizational theorist, and Professor of Accounting at Tennessee Technological University, known for his accounting theories based on James Grier Miller’s… Read more »

Charles Francois (*1922)

Charles François is a Belgian citizen, born 1922 and retired from the Belgian Foreign Service since 1987. He was educated in Belgium and lived in Central Africa from 1945 to 1960, first as an administrative… Read more »

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