Tag Archives: Pernegg

15th Pernegg Conversation 2010

IFSR Newsletter 2010 Vol. 27 No. 1 June As the previous, historic location of the Conversations (Fuschl near Salzburg) was difficult to reach, also because the meeting rooms were inadequate, a change to a location… Read more »

| Category: IFSR NEWS

Proceedings of the IFSR Conversation 2010, Pernegg, Austria

“Systems for Education, Engineering, Service and Sustainability”: Proceedings of the Fifteenth IFSR Conversation SEA-Publications: SEA-SR-28 Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria ISBN 978-3-902457-28-8 Welcome to the IFSR Conversation 2010! Like… Read more »

Looking back at Pernegg 2010

Proceedings of the IFSR Conversation 2010, Pernegg, Austria Gary Metcalf (USA), Gerhard Chroust (Austria) 30 years is a long time for a small conference or workshop to survive. We can be proud that the Fuschl… Read more »

| Category: REPORT

IFSR Conversation 2010, Pernegg, Austria

April 10 – 15, 2010, Kloster Pernegg, Austria
For the first time the Conversation will be held in a new location, not in Fuschl am See. The IFSR Conversation for 2010 was held at Kloster Pernegg, outside Vienna (see http://www.klosterpernegg.at/ for details about the location.)

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